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Featherweight MMA Fighters

Featherweight MMA Fighters

Fighter   Height   Weight Class   Record   Nation
Hisham N/A Featherweight Am 0-1-0
Yumeto N/A Featherweight Am 0-1-0
Haruki N/A Featherweight 0-0-0
Sho N/A Featherweight 0-0-0
"Big Ben" Chor Praram 5'8" (173cm) Featherweight 0-0-0
Takamasa N/A Featherweight 0-0-0
Hiroya N/A Featherweight 0-0-0
Thor N/A Featherweight Am 0-0-1
Koki 5'9" (175cm) Featherweight 0-0-0
TaCa 5'8" (172cm) Featherweight 0-0-0
Romelu 5'9" (175cm) Featherweight 2-1-0
Seangatit N/A Featherweight 0-0-0
Hiromu N/A Featherweight 0-0-0
Yuto N/A Featherweight 0-0-0
Misatora N/A Featherweight 0-0-0
Keigo 5'9" (176cm) Featherweight Am 1-0-0
Moulder N/A Featherweight 0-0-0
Shunta 5'7" (170cm) Featherweight 0-1-0, 1 NC
Usmonov 5'8" (172cm) Featherweight 0-1-0
Kavas N/A Featherweight 0-0-0
Mr. Worachat 5'9" (174cm) Featherweight 0-0-0
Kota N/A Featherweight 0-0-0
Bara N/A Featherweight 0-0-0
Suojie 5'8" (172cm) Featherweight 0-1-0
Satrioui N/A Featherweight 0-0-0
"Golden Choppa" Yoshiki 5'8" (172cm) Featherweight 0-0-0
Shamuhati 5'9" (176cm) Featherweight 1-5-0
RYOTA N/A Featherweight 0-0-0
Ryuichi N/A Featherweight 0-0-0
Miza N/A Featherweight 0-0-0
A.J. N/A Featherweight Am 1-0-0
Richard 5'9" (175cm) Featherweight 0-1-0
Masaki N/A Featherweight 0-0-0
Pedero N/A Featherweight 0-0-0
Krusen N/A Featherweight 0-0-0
HENMI9 5'9" (175cm) Featherweight 0-0-0
Ryu 5'9" (175cm) Featherweight 0-0-0
Blackkot N/A Featherweight 0-0-0
Bernardo N/A Featherweight Am 0-1-0
"Sniper" Marwan N/A Featherweight 1-1-0
"Rhino" Pichithai N/A Featherweight 0-0-0
Yutty N/A Featherweight 1-0-0
Taito 5'9" (175cm) Featherweight 0-0-0
Pursey N/A Featherweight 0-0-0
Kenjie N/A Featherweight Am 1-0-0
Yasuhiro 5'5" (165cm) Featherweight Am 0-1-0
Kamuy N/A Featherweight 0-0-0
Actas N/A Featherweight 0-0-0
Makoto N/A Featherweight 0-0-0
Zhaxiduojie 6'1" (186cm) Featherweight 0-1-0
Shinnosuke N/A Featherweight Am 0-1-0
Wakka N/A Featherweight 0-2-0
Qiansaluoluo 5'9" (175cm) Featherweight 0-1-0
Ryu 5'9" (174cm) Featherweight Am 5-1-0
Yuto N/A Featherweight Am 1-0-0
Chalia N/A Featherweight 0-0-0
Amurijirigala 5'8" (173cm) Featherweight 13-6-0
Masaru N/A Featherweight 0-0-0
Kazuya N/A Featherweight 0-0-0
Matt N/A Featherweight 0-0-0
van den Bor N/A Featherweight 0-0-0
Morched N/A Featherweight 0-0-0
Reiya 5'9" (176cm) Featherweight Am 0-1-0
Samson N/A Featherweight 0-0-0
Dahou N/A Featherweight 0-0-0
Hiroki N/A Featherweight 0-0-0
KAZU 5'9" (176cm) Featherweight 0-0-0
Tamnanrak N/A Featherweight 0-0-0
Winson N/A Featherweight 0-1-0
Yerjiang N/A Featherweight 0-1-0
Murad 5'8" (173cm) Featherweight 0-1-0
van der Hoven N/A Featherweight 0-0-0
George N/A Featherweight 0-0-0
Nakajima N/A Featherweight Am 1-0-0
Ubaydulla Uulu N/A Featherweight 1-0-0
Kazuma N/A Featherweight 2-2-0
Ryoya N/A Featherweight 0-0-0
Ryoki 5'9" (174cm) Featherweight 0-0-0
Chaidet N/A Featherweight 0-0-0
Nishiki N/A Featherweight 0-0-0
Konatsu N/A Featherweight Am 1-0-0
Hasanboizoda N/A Featherweight 0-0-0
Ustich 5'10" (177cm) Featherweight 1-1-0
Kochisov N/A Featherweight Am 0-1-0
van Veen N/A Featherweight 0-0-0
Kenta 5'10" (178cm) Featherweight 0-0-0
Jason N/A Featherweight 6-3-0
Kenta 5'11" (180cm) Featherweight Am 0-1-0
Ulas N/A Featherweight 0-0-0
Andy N/A Featherweight Am 0-1-1
Sulaiman N/A Featherweight 0-0-0
Kazuma N/A Featherweight Am 0-1-2
Guliev N/A Featherweight 0-0-0
Koma N/A Featherweight Am 1-0-0
Kasdar N/A Featherweight Am 0-1-0
Aritjoen N/A Featherweight 0-0-0
Serton N/A Featherweight 0-0-0
Karibov N/A Featherweight 0-0-0
Masabo 5'8" (173cm) Featherweight 0-0-0
Densiam N/A Featherweight 0-0-0
Regezhen 5'9" (175cm) Featherweight 7-0-0
"The Yi Black Wolf" Wuleiyifu 5'7" (170cm) Featherweight 6-8-0
Apingshila 5'10" (177cm) Featherweight 7-4-0
Tobizaru N/A Featherweight 0-1-0
Kroezen N/A Featherweight 0-0-0
Rakhimberdiev N/A Featherweight Am 0-1-0
Palungrak N/A Featherweight 0-0-0
Tomohiro N/A Featherweight 0-0-0
Alemujiang 5'10" (178cm) Featherweight 1-2-0
Kim 5'3" (160cm) Featherweight 0-1-0
YURA 5'9" (176cm) Featherweight 0-0-0
Hiromi N/A Featherweight 0-0-0
Albert "The Typhoon" 5'9" (176cm) Featherweight 3-0-0
Suyiga 5'10" (177cm) Featherweight 2-0-0
Sweet Potato Titan N/A Featherweight 0-1-0
Mizuki N/A Featherweight 0-1-0
Hakaider N/A Featherweight 1-1-0
Grigan N/A Featherweight 0-0-0
Chatrioui N/A Featherweight 0-0-0
Ryuta N/A Featherweight 1-0-0
Aimiti 5'10" (178cm) Featherweight 0-1-0
Tetsuya N/A Featherweight 0-0-0
Yuki N/A Featherweight 0-0-0
"One Punch Man" Urano N/A Featherweight 0-0-0
Rago N/A Featherweight 2-0-0
Isamu 5'10" (177cm) Featherweight 0-0-0
Yamato N/A Featherweight 1-2-0
"Castle" Hashimoto N/A Featherweight 0-0-0
Romanov 5'9" (175cm) Featherweight 0-2-0
Jonny 6'1" (185cm) Featherweight 2-1-0
Masa 5'9" (175cm) Featherweight Am 0-1-0
Asilibieke 5'11" (180cm) Featherweight 1-0-0
Tatsuru 5'8" (172cm) Featherweight Am 0-1-0
Shohei N/A Featherweight 0-0-0
Taisho N/A Featherweight 0-0-0
Yu-ya N/A Featherweight 0-0-0
Ayub 5'9" (175cm) Featherweight 0-4-0
Harugong N/A Featherweight 0-0-0
Apai N/A Featherweight 0-1-0
Prabhakaran N/A Featherweight Am 1-1-0
Katsushi N/A Featherweight Am 2-0-1
Charly N/A Featherweight 0-0-0
Alie N/A Featherweight 0-0-0
Batjargal N/A Featherweight 0-1-0
Saravanan N/A Featherweight Am 0-1-0
Zouheir N/A Featherweight 0-0-0
"Wolf" Harada N/A Featherweight 0-0-0
Ryo 5'9" (174cm) Featherweight Am 1-2-0
Kabylov N/A Featherweight 1-0-0
Zoughagh N/A Featherweight 0-0-0
SEIITSU N/A Featherweight 0-0-0
Takuma N/A Featherweight 0-0-0
Hayisaer 5'9" (174cm) Featherweight 0-1-0
"Wowo Beton" Sopian N/A Featherweight 2-2-0
"Kelabang" Suwandaru 5'5" (165cm) Featherweight 2-6-0
Petchason N/A Featherweight 0-0-0
Shiro N/A Featherweight 0-0-0
Biloliddin N/A Featherweight Am 0-1-0
Dai 5'5" (164cm) Featherweight Am 0-1-0
Harry N/A Featherweight Am 0-2-0
Toshiya N/A Featherweight 0-0-0
Sulangzhaxi 5'7" (170cm) Featherweight 4-4-1
Baieerduncang 5'9" (175cm) Featherweight 4-2-0
Delano N/A Featherweight 0-0-0
Youbhari N/A Featherweight 0-0-0
Bakt N/A Featherweight Am 1-1-0
Richart N/A Featherweight 0-0-0
El Amdri N/A Featherweight 0-0-0
Bakhodirjon N/A Featherweight 0-1-0
Muratov N/A Featherweight 0-1-0
Pirmatov N/A Featherweight 0-1-0
Sentiono N/A Featherweight 1-0-0
Naoki N/A Featherweight Am 0-1-0
Saburo N/A Featherweight Am 0-1-0
Akira N/A Featherweight 1-0-0
Jukiya N/A Featherweight 3-2-0
Sorajiro N/A Featherweight Am 0-1-0
Hadi N/A Featherweight 0-1-0
Kenya N/A Featherweight 0-0-0
Sasshi 5'9" (174cm) Featherweight Am 0-2-0
Jansen N/A Featherweight 0-0-0
Chokchai 5'5" (166cm) Featherweight 0-0-0
Raul N/A Featherweight 0-0-0
Sor. Buanrat N/A Featherweight 0-0-0
Hadou N/A Featherweight 0-0-0
Ryunosuke 5'7" (171cm) Featherweight 0-1-0
Masamitsu N/A Featherweight Am 0-1-0
Weeraphaksuk N/A Featherweight 0-0-0
Yu-Ri N/A Featherweight 0-0-0
Takaaki N/A Featherweight 1-3-0
Ieyenhof N/A Featherweight 0-0-0
De Rouw N/A Featherweight 0-0-0
Jiayangbading N/A Featherweight 0-0-0
Rintaro N/A Featherweight 0-0-0
Darius 5'8" (173cm) Featherweight Am 0-0-1
"Bloody" Kosuke N/A Featherweight 1-1-0
Andres N/A Featherweight Am 1-0-0
Ouchen N/A Featherweight 0-0-0
Mari N/A Featherweight 0-1-0
George N/A Featherweight Am 4-1-0
Abdullaev N/A Featherweight Am 0-1-0
Durah N/A Featherweight 0-0-0
Akhyar N/A Featherweight 1-1-0
Masaya N/A Featherweight 0-0-0
Abian N/A Featherweight Am 1-0-0
Delfts N/A Featherweight 0-0-0
Xigurihai 5'10" (177cm) Featherweight 0-2-0
Hiro N/A Featherweight Am 1-0-0
Haru N/A Featherweight 0-0-0
Toru 5'9" (176cm) Featherweight 0-0-0
Dias N/A Featherweight 0-0-0
Chaganzhana N/A Featherweight 0-1-0
Yusaku N/A Featherweight 0-0-0
Abudureheman N/A Featherweight 1-0-0
Halengbieke N/A Featherweight 1-1-0
Bunterng N/A Featherweight 0-0-0
Atif N/A Featherweight 0-0-0
"Eagle" Yibugele 5'7" (170cm) Featherweight 24-13-1, 1 NC
Arexiate 5'9" (175cm) Featherweight 2-3-0
Maksim 5'8" (173cm) Featherweight 0-1-0
Fernando N/A Featherweight 7-4-0
"K-ichiro" Keiichiro 5'7" (170cm) Featherweight 6-5-0
Teleka∞ N/A Featherweight 0-0-0
Adeyz N/A Featherweight 0-0-0
Kyosuke N/A Featherweight 0-0-0
Tagawa N/A Featherweight 0-0-0
Sam N/A Featherweight 0-1-0
Shota 5'9" (176cm) Featherweight 0-0-0
Koto N/A Featherweight 0-0-0
Angsaer 5'9" (174cm) Featherweight 1-0-0
Dai N/A Featherweight 0-0-0
Boumans N/A Featherweight 0-0-0
Calabria N/A Featherweight 0-0-0
Damstra N/A Featherweight 0-0-0
Peni N/A Featherweight 0-0-0
Yutaro N/A Featherweight 0-0-0
Jumanta 5'7" (169cm) Featherweight 1-0-0
Kodai N/A Featherweight 0-0-0
Schaufller N/A Featherweight 0-0-0
Torataro N/A Featherweight Am 1-2-0
BG 5'8" (173cm) Featherweight 2-3-0
Landvreugd N/A Featherweight 0-0-0
Keita N/A Featherweight 0-0-0
Pigge N/A Featherweight 0-0-0
Principal N/A Featherweight 0-0-0
"Speedy" Monteiro N/A Featherweight 0-0-0
Swapnil 5'8" (172cm) Featherweight 0-1-0
Ryusei N/A Featherweight 0-0-0
Shingo N/A Featherweight 0-0-0
Barnazout N/A Featherweight 0-0-0
Kaufman N/A Featherweight 0-0-0
Aslanov N/A Featherweight Am 1-0-0
Kanacever N/A Featherweight 0-0-0
Bajio N/A Featherweight 0-1-0
Yoko-chan N/A Featherweight 0-0-0
Kazu N/A Featherweight 0-0-0
Yuya N/A Featherweight 0-1-0
Takao N/A Featherweight 1-0-0
Budarui N/A Featherweight 0-0-0
Luorong N/A Featherweight 0-1-0
Tvean N/A Featherweight 0-0-0
Tatsuya 5'7" (169cm) Featherweight 0-0-0
"Thai Little Cannon" Wirat N/A Featherweight 2-0-0
Ryugi 5'8" (172cm) Featherweight 0-0-0
Narajan N/A Featherweight 0-0-0
Motoyasuk 5'10" (178cm) Featherweight 0-0-0
Nazhaershagen N/A Featherweight 0-1-0
Aldo N/A Featherweight 0-1-0
Bokoev N/A Featherweight Am 0-1-0
Saito N/A Featherweight Am 1-0-1
Abdulayev 5'7" (170cm) Featherweight 0-1-0
Ademuniu N/A Featherweight 0-1-0
Fumiya 5'9" (175cm) Featherweight 0-0-0
Wugetumuji 5'6" (168cm) Featherweight 8-9-0
Kano 5'10" (177cm) Featherweight 0-0-0
Sitthiphon N/A Featherweight 0-0-0
Yugo 5'11" (181cm) Featherweight 0-0-0
Kaito 5'10" (178cm) Featherweight Am 2-0-0
Yoshiaki N/A Featherweight 0-0-0
van Resenberg N/A Featherweight 0-0-0
Mitsunobu 5'8" (173cm) Featherweight Am 0-1-0
Naoto N/A Featherweight Am 2-2-0
Masashi N/A Featherweight 0-1-0
Safarman N/A Featherweight Am 0-1-0
Tomo N/A Featherweight 0-2-0
Kalith N/A Featherweight 0-0-0
Caozhaxi N/A Featherweight 1-0-0
Tsukasa N/A Featherweight 0-0-0
Derealuo 5'10" (179cm) Featherweight 0-1-0
Yizha 5'7" (171cm) Featherweight 25-4-0
Ali N/A Featherweight Am 0-1-0
Sukprajo N/A Featherweight 0-0-0
Hanawa N/A Featherweight 0-0-0
Syoui 5'9" (174cm) Featherweight 0-0-0
Alibegov N/A Featherweight Am 0-1-0
AKINORI N/A Featherweight 0-0-0
Kenta N/A Featherweight 0-0-0
Tuerdi 5'7" (171cm) Featherweight 0-1-0
Siriguleng 5'11" (180cm) Featherweight 1-1-0
Saku N/A Featherweight Am 1-0-0

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